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Tattoo Removal in Manchester and Cheshire

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Tattoo Removal

Surgical tattoo excision

Treatment overview

Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are very popular but people may regret having them or need them removed for certain professions. The most common method of tattoo removal is by the use of lasers.

Advances in laser technology include pico second lasers. These can reduce the number of sessions required. Laser tattoo removal will often need multiple sessions over long periods of time.

For certain tattoos, surgical excision of tattoos may be an option. This method will completely remove the tattoo if possible or it may require staged multiple procedures for larger tattoos. There will be a permanent resultant scar in place of the tattoo. The scars will fade with time but will always be present. To find out more information about tattoo removal Manchester & Cheshire patients should book a consultation by contacting us via our contact form.

Your consultation

Surgical Tattoo Removal

Through comprehensive consultations, we ensure a thorough understanding of your aesthetic objectives while addressing any potential risks associated with tattoo removal in Manchester & Cheshire.

  • A thorough examination is conducted
  • In depth discussion about your desired outcomes
  • Planning bespoke solutions to address your concerns
  • Deliver the highest quality of care for our patients
  • Active involvement of the patient is integral to the decision-making process.
five stars

“After years off unsuccessful expensive extremely painful laser tattoo attempts I decided enough was enough and made some research into getting it surgically removed. After some very good reviews about Dr Reza I booked a consultation. Dr Reza was extremely polite, approachable and friendly and I quickly booked myself in for the procedure. Both Dr Reza and his secretary were fantastic from start to finish. The actual surgery, nurses and facilities were first class. I was extremely nervous about the procedure and throughout the whole experience I was reassured and cared for. This includes the aftercare . The results are incredible , so neat, I almost cried when I first saw the result as I am finally tattoo free on my lower back. I couldn’t recommended him enough.”

Before & Afters

manchester tattoo removal patient before & after
manchester tattoo removal patient before & after

Surgical Tattoo Excision

Prices from

Tattoo Removal Frequently Asked Questions

How can you remove a tattoo?

In Cheshire & Manchester tattoo removal is most commonly performed using a laser. The type of laser used will be based on the colour of the ink used in the tattoo. Tattoos may also be removed by surgery.

Can all tattoos be removed with laser?

Tattoos that are composed of dark colours such as black ink will respond better to laser treatment than multi-coloured tattoos. Some colours such as yellows, pinks, reds, or greens may be quite difficult to treat with lasers. Laser is likely to leave some faint outline of the tattoo even with a full course of treatment.

Can tattoo removal be done surgically?

Surgical tattoo excision is possible in some cases. This depends on the size of the tattoo and where it is located on the body. Generally smaller tattoos on parts of the body where there is some skin laxity are likely to be suitable for surgical tattoo removal. Some larger tattoos may need a staged procedure which means it may need to removed partially in a number of goes until the whole tattoo has been removed.

How is surgical tattoo removal performed?

Surgical tattoo removal is performed as a local anaesthetic procedure. This means the area is numbed and the tattoo is removed. The skin is then stitched together and dressings applied over the scar. Most of the time, the stitching will all be beneath the surface of the skin and so you will not need to have any stitches removed.

Where can I have this procedure?

We perform our local anaesthetic procedures in our CQC registered clinics CLNQ in Deansgate Square, Manchester and Knutsford, Cheshire.

What are the potential risks of tattoo removal?

There are some potential risks and complications associated with laser and surgical removal. For the laser removal these may include residual tattoo; failure to respond; need for repeated treatments; burns; skin pigmentation changes (hypo- or hyper-pigmentation).

The potential risks associated with surgical excision are:

Scarring – All tattoos that are excised will leave a permanent scar in place of them. Sometimes scars can become hypertrophic or keloid meaning they can become raised or lumpy. Scars can also stretch resulting in a wider scar.

Residual pigment – Although tattoo excision involves removal of the full thickness of the skin some residual pigment may remain at the edges of the scar. This may be due to the fact that the tattoo was too large to remove fully in one go and a staged or serial excision may be required.

Wound problems – Rarely, there may be infection or problems with healing of the wounds after tattoo excision. These are usually small and managed without need for any further surgery.

Your Consultation

Consultations involve an in-depth discussion about your desired outcomes and planning bespoke solutions to address your concerns. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations in Cheshire and Manchester. We are committed to delivering the highest quality of care for our patients. Mr. Reza Nassab performs consultations and procedures in Knutsford, Cheshire, and Deansgate Square, Manchester. He operates in the exclusive boutique hospital in Wilmslow, Cheshire. This is a state-of-the-art facility providing the best in patient care. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations and minor procedures at CLNQ in Deansgate Square Manchester and Knutsford Cheshire.

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