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Mini Tummy Tuck in Manchester and Cheshire

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Art of Body Sculpting

Mini Tummy Tuck at Reza Nassab Plastic Surgery in Manchester & Cheshire

Our Mini Abdominoplasty, or Mini Tummy Tuck, is a customized procedure designed to address specific concerns in the lower abdomen. Unlike traditional tummy tucks, the mini tummy tuck focuses on refining the area below the belly button, making it ideal for individuals with localized concerns. Mr. Reza Nassab, a renowned plastic surgeon, brings his expertise to Manchester, offering personalized solutions for a more contoured silhouette. Experience the artistry of body sculpting with precision and confidence at Reza Nassab Plastic Surgery.

A Sculpted Midsection

What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

Treatment Overview

At Reza Nassab Plastic Surgery in Cheshire & Manchester mini tummy tucks are a surgical procedure to remove excess loose skin from the lower part of the abdomen. This procedure is helpful in some patients who have a small amount of loose skin or overhang following weight loss or pregnancy. It can also be used in patients who have had a Cesarean section. The mini tummy tuck is often requested in patients with a small mum pouch.

five stars

“I can’t thank my surgeon, Dr Reza Sedghi Nassab; he’s been fantastic, answered all my questions, made me feel at ease & felt in safe hands. He’s a very good surgeon with a lovely bedside manner.”

Elevated Contours

What are the benefits of a Mini Tummy Tuck?

This refined procedure offers a range of advantages for individuals seeking precision contouring in the lower abdominal area. With a mini tummy tuck Manchester & Cheshire patients can expect the benefits to include:

  • Anaesthetic : Local or General
  • Procedure time: One to Two hours
  • Localized Refinement: A Mini Tummy Tuck precisely targets the lower abdomen, addressing specific concerns below the belly button.
  • Reduced Scarring: With a smaller incision, the mini version typically produces less noticeable scarring than a traditional abdominoplasty.
  • Quicker Recovery: Experience a faster recovery period, allowing you to return to your routine with minimal downtime. Length of stay: Daycase. Return to work: Two weeks.

Enhanced Confidence: Achieve a more sculpted midsection, fostering lasting confidence and satisfaction in your appearance.

Tailored Solutions

Your Mini Tummy Tuck Consultation

Through comprehensive consultations, we ensure a thorough understanding of your aesthetic objectives while addressing any potential risks associated with the surgical procedure.

  • In-depth discussion about your desired outcomes
  • Planning bespoke solutions to address your concerns
  • Active involvement of the patient is integral to the decision-making process.
  • A thorough examination is conducted
  • Deliver the highest quality of care for our patients

To find out more information about mini tummy tucks Cheshire & Manchester patients should book a consultation, please contact us via our contact form.

What to Expect

Your Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure

In Manchester & Cheshire mini tummy tucks focus on refining the lower abdomen below the belly button. Mr. Nassab makes a smaller incision, minimizing scarring. Excess skin is removed during the procedure. The result is a rejuvenated midsection with reduced recovery time compared to traditional abdominoplasty.

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Precision Contouring

Mini Tummy Tuck Results

Following a mini tummy tuck, anticipate a rejuvenated midsection with improved tone and contour. The procedure targets specific concerns below the belly button, resulting in a more sculpted appearance. Reduced excess skin contributes to a refined silhouette. As swelling and bruising subside, the true transformation becomes evident, fostering lasting confidence in your revitalized midsection. Elevate your aesthetic journey with the precision and artistry of mini tummy tuck results at Reza Nassab Plastic Surgery.


Prices from

Finance options available

A Refined Midsection

Mini Tummy Tuck Recovery and Aftercare

Following the mini tummy tuck, expect some swelling and bruising, which will gradually subside. A compression garment supports the healing process. Mr. Nassab's expertise ensures a comfortable journey, fostering confidence and satisfaction in your sculpted appearance.

Mini Tummy TuckFrequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a full tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck?

The full abdominoplasty is a more extensive procedure that removes most of skin and fat from the belly button to the pubic area. The mini tummy tuck procedure removes skin and fat from the lower part of the abdomen only. The full tummy tuck allows access to repair the abdominal muscles that can separate following pregnancy. The mini abdominoplasty can be performed under local anaesthetic whilst a full abdominoplasty will require a general anaesthetic. The procedure is usually a day case procedure, and a full tummy tuck will often require an overnight stay in the hospital.

Can a mini tummy tuck be combined with liposuction?

This procedure can often be combined with a liposuction procedure or other skin tightening procedures such as BodyTite.

What is the cost of a mini tummy tuck?

The price of this operation performed under local anaesthetic is from £6250 whilst this may increase if you require a general anaesthetic or any additional procedures such as liposuction.

Your Consultation

Consultations involve an in-depth discussion about your desired outcomes and planning bespoke solutions to address your concerns. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations in Cheshire and Manchester. We are committed to delivering the highest quality of care for our patients. Mr. Reza Nassab performs consultations and procedures in Knutsford, Cheshire, and Deansgate Square, Manchester. He operates in the exclusive boutique hospital in Wilmslow, Cheshire. This is a state-of-the-art facility providing the best in patient care. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations and minor procedures at CLNQ in Deansgate Square Manchester and Knutsford Cheshire.

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