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What Are Moobs or Man Boobs?

Published by Reza Nassab

“Moobs,” also known as “man boobs,” is a colloquial term for the enlargement of breast tissue in men. This condition can be medically referred to as gynaecomastia when it involves the proliferation of glandular tissue, or pseudogynaecomastia when the enlargement is due to excess fat accumulation without significant glandular development. Gynaecomastia is a benign condition and is often a source of psychological distress or embarrassment for men, affecting self-esteem and body image.

What Causes Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia can result from various factors, often related to an imbalance between the levels of oestrogen and testosterone in a man’s body. While testosterone is the primary male hormone, men also produce oestrogen, albeit in smaller quantities. When this balance is disrupted, either due to a decrease in testosterone or an increase in oestrogen, breast tissue may develop or enlarge.

Common Causes Include:

Hormonal Changes:

    • Puberty: During puberty, boys experience significant hormonal fluctuations, which can sometimes lead to temporary gynaecomastia. This usually resolves on its own as hormone levels stabilize.
    • Ageing: As men age, particularly after the age of 50, testosterone levels naturally decline, which may result in the development of gynaecomastia.
    • Hormonal Disorders: Conditions like hypogonadism, hyperthyroidism, or tumours affecting the testes or adrenal glands can lead to hormonal imbalances that cause gynaecomastia.


      • Certain medications can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to gynaecomastia. Common examples include:
        • Anti-androgens (e.g., finasteride, flutamide) used for prostate conditions.
        • Anabolic steroids and androgens.
        • Antipsychotics and antidepressants such as risperidone and tricyclic antidepressants.
        • Anti-ulcer medications like cimetidine.
        • Heart medications such as spironolactone, a diuretic with anti-androgenic effects.
        • Antibiotics such as ketoconazole.

      Substance Use:

        • Alcohol: Chronic alcohol use can impair liver function, affecting hormone metabolism and leading to gynaecomastia.
        • Recreational Drugs: Cannabis, heroin, and anabolic steroids can contribute to the development of gynaecomastia.

        Health Conditions:

          • Liver Disease: Conditions like cirrhosis can cause hormonal imbalances that lead to gynaecomastia.
          • Kidney Failure: Patients on long-term dialysis can develop gynaecomastia.
          • Malnutrition and Refeeding: Both malnutrition and the subsequent refeeding phase can alter hormone levels, potentially causing gynaecomastia.

          Herbal Products:

            • Some herbal supplements containing plant oils like tea tree oil or lavender have been associated with gynaecomastia, possibly due to their weak oestrogenic activity.

            How Do You Get Rid of Man Boobs?

            The approach to treating gynaecomastia depends on its underlying cause, the severity of the condition, and the patient’s preferences. Treatment options range from lifestyle changes and non-surgical methods to surgical interventions.

            Diet and Exercise

            For cases of pseudogynaecomastia, where the enlargement is due to fat deposition rather than glandular tissue, lifestyle changes can be effective.


              • Caloric Deficit: Reducing overall calorie intake helps in weight loss, which can reduce fat in the chest area.
              • Balanced Diet: A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains supports overall health and hormone balance. Reducing the intake of processed foods, sugars, and saturated fats can help decrease body fat.
              • Avoid Alcohol and Recreational Drugs: Limiting or avoiding substances that can influence hormone levels is essential.


                • Cardiovascular Exercise: Activities like running, cycling, or swimming can help burn overall body fat, including fat in the chest area.
                • Strength Training: Targeting the chest muscles with exercises such as push-ups, bench presses, and dumbbell flies can help tone the chest area. However, building muscle beneath the fat can sometimes make the area appear larger if fat loss isn’t also achieved.
                • Full-Body Workouts: Engaging in a full-body strength training regimen ensures balanced muscle development and fat loss.

                Non-Surgical Options for Gynaecomastia

                For men with true gynaecomastia (enlarged glandular tissue), non-surgical treatments may include:


                  • Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs): Medications like tamoxifen or raloxifene, commonly used in breast cancer treatment, can help reduce breast tissue size in gynaecomastia. These are often considered when gynaecomastia is painful or severe.
                  • Aromatase Inhibitors: Drugs like anastrozole can reduce oestrogen production and may be beneficial in certain cases, although they are less commonly used.

                  Watchful Waiting:

                    • If gynaecomastia is caused by puberty or a temporary hormonal imbalance, it may resolve on its own within six months to two years. In such cases, regular monitoring without active intervention might be recommended.

                    Lifestyle Modifications:

                      • In cases where gynaecomastia is related to weight gain, substance use, or medication, addressing these factors can sometimes lead to improvement.

                      Compression Garments:

                        • Wearing compression vests or garments designed for gynaecomastia can help flatten the chest and provide a more typical masculine contour. While these do not treat the condition, they can improve appearance and comfort in daily life.

                        Surgical Options for Man Boobs

                        When lifestyle changes and non-surgical treatments are insufficient or if the gynaecomastia is particularly bothersome, surgical options may be considered. Surgery is often the most effective treatment for long-standing or severe gynaecomastia.


                          • Liposuction is effective for pseudogynaecomastia or cases where the enlargement is primarily due to fatty tissue. During the procedure, a small incision is made, and a cannula is used to suction out excess fat. The results are usually immediate, with a noticeable reduction in breast size. Vaser liposuction is helpful for breaking down the tissues better than conventional liposuction techniques.

                          Glandular Tissue Excision:

                            • For true gynaecomastia with significant glandular tissue, surgical excision is necessary. This involves removing the excess glandular tissue through a small incision, typically around the areola. The procedure may be combined with liposuction to achieve a more natural contour.

                            Combination of Liposuction and Excision:

                              • In many cases, a combination of liposuction and excision is used to address both fat and glandular tissue. This approach can provide a more comprehensive correction, especially in cases of severe gynaecomastia.

                              Skin Reduction:

                                • In cases where there is significant excess skin, such as in older patients or those who have undergone significant weight loss, skin reduction techniques may be necessary. This can involve removing excess skin and repositioning the nipple-areola complex to create a more natural chest appearance.


                                Gynaecomastia, or “man boobs,” is a common condition that can affect men of all ages. It is primarily caused by an imbalance in hormones, but can also result from medications, substance use, or underlying health conditions. Treatment options vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition, ranging from lifestyle changes and non-surgical interventions to surgical procedures. While non-surgical options can be effective in mild cases or when gynaecomastia is due to reversible factors, surgery is often the definitive treatment for long-standing or severe cases. Book a consultation to find out more about options for the treatment of man boobs.

                                Your Consultation

                                Consultations involve an in-depth discussion about your desired outcomes and planning bespoke solutions to address your concerns. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations in Cheshire and Manchester. We are committed to delivering the highest quality of care for our patients. Mr. Reza Nassab performs consultations and procedures in Knutsford, Cheshire, and Deansgate Square, Manchester. He operates in the exclusive boutique hospital in Wilmslow, Cheshire. This is a state-of-the-art facility providing the best in patient care. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations and minor procedures at CLNQ in Deansgate Square Manchester and Knutsford Cheshire.

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