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Understanding The Different Type of Nose Shapes and How They Can Be Enhanced

Published by Reza Nassab

The nose is one of the most defining features of the face. Its shape can greatly influence the overall appearance of an individual, affecting everything from facial symmetry to the harmony between other facial features. Many people seek to alter their nose shape for aesthetic reasons or to correct functional issues such as breathing difficulties. We explore the different types of nose shapes, the various methods available to change the shape of the nose, and insights into what is considered the most beautiful nose shape.

different types of nose shape

Different Types of Nose Shapes

Nose shapes are incredibly diverse and can vary widely across different ethnicities and individuals. However, certain nose shapes are more commonly recognised, each with its own distinct characteristics:

Roman Nose (Aquiline Nose):

  • Characteristics: A prominent bridge that gives the nose a slightly curved or bent shape, reminiscent of ancient Roman statues.
  • Commonality: Often seen in individuals of European descent.
  • Perception: It is sometimes associated with a strong and assertive personality.

Button Nose:

  • Characteristics: A small, rounded nose with a slight upturn at the tip.
  • Commonality: Common in various ethnic groups.
  • Perception: Considered youthful and delicate, often associated with femininity.

Hawk Nose:

  • Characteristics: A nose with a pronounced, curved bridge that gives it a beak-like appearance.
  • Commonality: Less common, but can be found in various populations.
  • Perception: Often linked to a sharp, intense personality.

Greek Nose (Straight Nose):

  • Characteristics: A straight bridge with no curve or bump.
  • Commonality: Named after the noses seen on classical Greek statues.
  • Perception: Often considered the ideal nose due to its symmetry and straightness.

Nubian Nose:

  • Characteristics: A wide base with a long bridge, often with flared nostrils.
  • Commonality: Common among individuals of African descent.
  • Perception: Often associated with strength and character.

Snub Nose:

  • Characteristics: A shorter nose with an upward tilt at the tip.
  • Commonality: Seen in various ethnicities, often in younger individuals.
  • Perception: Perceived as cute or charming.

Celestial Nose:

  • Characteristics: Similar to the snub nose but with a more pronounced upward tip.
  • Commonality: Common in Western populations.
  • Perception: Often associated with attractiveness and charm.

Flat Nose:

  • Characteristics: A low bridge with wide nostrils and a flat overall appearance.
  • Commonality: Common in Asian and African populations.
  • Perception: Varies culturally but can be associated with strength and uniqueness.

How Can You Change the Shape of the Nose?

Changing the shape of the nose can be achieved through both surgical and non-surgical methods. The choice between these options depends on the desired outcome, the degree of change required, and the individual’s personal preferences.

Surgical Options for Changing the Shape of the Nose

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is the primary surgical method for altering the shape of the nose. It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide and can be performed for both aesthetic and functional purposes. Mr Nassab explains the difference between the different rhinoplasty techniques in the video below.

Open Rhinoplasty:

  • Procedure: Involves making an incision across the columella (the tissue between the nostrils) and inside the nostrils, allowing the surgeon to lift the skin and directly access the nasal structure.
  • Uses: Ideal for more complex nose reshaping, including significant alterations to the bridge, tip, and nostrils.
  • Recovery: Typically involves more swelling and a longer recovery time, but it allows for more precise changes.

Closed Rhinoplasty:

  • Procedure: All incisions are made inside the nostrils, so there are no visible scars.
  • Uses: Suitable for less extensive reshaping, such as minor adjustments to the bridge or tip.
  • Recovery: Generally has a quicker recovery time with less swelling compared to open rhinoplasty.

Alar Base Reduction:

  • Procedure: Focuses on narrowing the width of the nostrils by removing a small wedge of tissue at the base of the nose.
  • Uses: Often performed alongside rhinoplasty to refine the overall shape and create a more proportionate appearance.
  • Recovery: Typically involves minimal downtime, with sutures removed after one week.


  • Procedure: Corrects a deviated septum, which can improve breathing and straighten the nose.
  • Uses: Primarily functional but can also have aesthetic benefits by aligning the nose.
  • Recovery: Recovery is similar to rhinoplasty, with most patients returning to normal activities within a few weeks.

Tip Plasty:

  • Procedure: Focuses on reshaping the nasal tip without altering the nasal bones.
  • Uses: Suitable for individuals who are satisfied with the overall shape of their nose but want to refine the tip.
  • Recovery: Involves less downtime compared to full rhinoplasty, with quicker results.

Non-Surgical Options for Changing the Shape of the Nose

For those who wish to avoid surgery or are looking for temporary changes, non-surgical rhinoplasty offers a viable alternative. This method is less invasive and involves the use of injectable fillers to alter the shape of the nose.

Dermal Fillers:

  • Procedure: Involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into specific areas of the nose to add volume, smooth out bumps, or lift the tip.
  • Uses: Ideal for patients looking to smooth a dorsal hump, create a straighter profile, or lift a drooping tip.
  • Duration: Results are temporary, typically lasting between 6 to 18 months.
  • Recovery: Minimal downtime, with most patients returning to their regular activities immediately.


  • Procedure: Injected into specific areas to relax muscles and subtly change the appearance of the nose.
  • Uses: Commonly used to reduce nasal flare or slightly lift the tip.
  • Duration: Effects last around 3 to 6 months.
  • Recovery: Immediate return to activities, with results visible within days.

How Can You Make the Nose Smaller?

Making the nose smaller usually requires surgical intervention, as reducing the size of the nose involves removing or repositioning bone, cartilage, and skin. Non-surgical methods are generally not effective for significantly reducing nose size.

Surgical Reduction Rhinoplasty:

  • Procedure: Involves the removal of bone and cartilage to reduce the size of the nose. This can include reducing the height of the bridge, narrowing the width, or refining the tip.
  • Uses: Suitable for individuals who feel their nose is too large or disproportionate to their face.
  • Recovery: Recovery can take several weeks to months, with final results visible after swelling subsides.

Non-Surgical Contouring:

  • Procedure: While it doesn’t make the nose physically smaller, dermal fillers can be used to create the illusion of a smaller nose by balancing out proportions.
  • Uses: Ideal for those seeking a temporary solution or who wish to avoid surgery.
  • Recovery: Quick recovery with immediate results.

What is the Most Common Nose Shape?

The Greek nose or Straight nose is considered one of the most common nose shapes worldwide, particularly in European populations. This nose is characterised by its straight bridge, absence of a dorsal hump, and overall symmetrical appearance. It is often sought after in cosmetic surgery due to its perceived aesthetic appeal and harmonious proportions.

Rhinoplasty Before and After

The rhinoplasty is a procedure to alter the shape of the nose. In this rhinoplasty before and after we can see how the dorsal hump has been reduced to produce a much more smoother shape to the nose. This has given a more attractive appearance to the shape of the nose.

rhinoplasty before and after

What is Considered the Most Beautiful Nose Shape?

Beauty is subjective, and the perception of the most beautiful nose shape can vary significantly across cultures and individuals. However, in many Western societies, a nose with a slightly upturned tip and a straight bridge—often referred to as a Celestial or Straight nose—is frequently considered ideal. This nose shape is admired for its delicate, refined appearance, and its ability to complement other facial features without overpowering them.

In conclusion, while there are many different nose shapes, the desire to enhance or alter the nose is a common one. Whether through surgical or non-surgical methods, there are numerous options available to achieve the desired aesthetic. It’s important for individuals considering these procedures to consult with a a plastic surgeon like Mr Nassab who can provide personalised advice and ensure that the chosen method aligns with their goals and facial anatomy. Ultimately, the most beautiful nose is one that harmonises with the rest of the face and reflects the individual’s unique identity.

Your Consultation

Consultations involve an in-depth discussion about your desired outcomes and planning bespoke solutions to address your concerns. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations in Cheshire and Manchester. We are committed to delivering the highest quality of care for our patients. Mr. Reza Nassab performs consultations and procedures in Knutsford, Cheshire, and Deansgate Square, Manchester. He operates in the exclusive boutique hospital in Wilmslow, Cheshire. This is a state-of-the-art facility providing the best in patient care. Mr. Reza Nassab provides consultations and minor procedures at CLNQ in Deansgate Square Manchester and Knutsford Cheshire.

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